Connect. Comprehend. Collaborate.

Marvelous Monday to you! How was your weekend?

I had loads of fun reconnecting with a former boss I last saw in 2006! We drove around the paradise island of #Tobago making pitstops at the beaches and forts while catching up on life’s adventures over the past 15 years❣

Back then we worked with the Institute of Marine Affairs on a multilingual project to promote the Land-Based Sources Protocol of the Cartagena Convention. It’s a United Nations Protocol that regulates the land-based sources of marine pollution. Curious? You can learn more here:

You know the saying all rivers lead to the sea? Well the pollution generated inland eventually makes its way to the sea and impacts the quality of our waters!

I was able to combine my communication and foreign language skills to produce information materials in English, French and Spanish since the IMA was cooperating with Cuba and the French West Indian islands to mobilise Caribbean leaders to ratify the protocol.

Today, I provide these services with even more passion, via my company Interpreting Your Needs. I have had the privilege of seeing firsthand how my services help people to bridge language barriers. This is IYN’s guiding principle: to connect people so they comprehend each other and collaborate to creatively solve common problems.

