Let’s talk about Race & Linguistics

Did that title grab your attention? Then you’re in for a treat!

“Let’s Talk About Race and Linguistics” is the plat de résistance to be served up by Multilingual Media (multilingual.com) featuring a richly diverse panel of Language professionals.

According to Multilingual Media, based in Idaho, USA, the world of linguistics, parallels with systems in the US of white, anglophone privilege, and narrow views of culture. Hosted by Michael Reid, this conversation will feature Dwain Richardson, Errol de Jesús, Camisia Glasgow, Autumn Smith and Interpreting Your Needs’ CEO, Gennike Mayers, to share their experience and expertise as language industry professionals navigating this space.

As a young business rooted in the Caribbean, IYN has a unique view on diversity which will be shared in this dicussion. Tune in on Thursday 13 May 2021, 9:00am (PST) to participate in an easy-paced 90-minute conversation with the minds that lead and influence the direction of the language services industry. Instead of rushing to end the session and trying to squeeze in questions in five minutes, 30 minutes are allocated for questions from the audience.

Interested? Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_zcftUZLTSeScoaexyRuT3A
