Stepping into 2021

I’ve stepped into 2021 with razzle-dazzle, sparkly, red, glittery heels that I bought in 2017 and never wore till the very last day of 2020!

I had an ankle injury at the time. A strange twist of fate & faith. Doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. X-rays showed nothing was broken but I was in tremendous pain. I travelled overseas to seek a second opinion. Still clueless!

Sitting in a wheelchair, being wheeled around by VIP flight assistance, I spotted these heels in an airport shop. The agent was kind enough to stop by the store so I could purchase these shoes on sale.

On the last day of 2020, I took them out of their box On the last day of 2020, I took them for a walk.
On the last day of 2020, they got some fresh air.

It reminded me of some dreams that I packed away in hidden boxes in the deep recesses of my mind. Today, this 5th day of January 2021, I tweaked my Vision board and unpacked some forgotten dreams. I aired them out. Fresh air is good for the mind and helps to activate our dreams. One of my crazy dreams in 2020 was to transition from being an employee to establishing my own home-based business. This is now a reality!

What are you dreaming of? What are you waiting for? Time to unpack your dreams and position them on your Vision board so they can get some fresh air to manifest in 2021🥳🥳🥳

#fieldofdreams #purposedriven #purposedrivenbusiness #purposedrivenleader #remoteworker #remoteinterpreter #remotetranslator #remoteoffiice #femaleentrepreneur #bossbabe #interpreter #translator #multilingualservices #multilingualcommunications
