I must have been crazy!

You must be crazy!

Have you ever been told this by someone in your close circle or even a stranger?

Perhaps you’ve said this to someone you care about who you felt was on the verge of making a mistake?

It’s a refrain I’ve often heard growing up and still hear in my adult life.

Why would people think and say such a thing to you?

Possibly because you make choices that most don’t dare to make.

Possibly because you’ve made choices that most fear to make.

Guess what? It’s okay! It certainly doesn’t make you (or me) crazy.

As we wrapped up the first quarter of 2023, I had the distinct pleasure of chatting with retired Captain Wendy Yawching during her Fire Friday broadcast. We discussed my erratic journey to becoming the Language Acrobat I am today.

Tune in to learn more about my story… it might inspire you along your language learning journey!
