November notes…

Can you believe it’s November already? The penultimate month of 2021.

If you are reading this then you are blessed to have made it through another 10 months of uncertainty.

How did you fare? Do you fear? Did you do your fair share?

In the midst of the unknown, there are some truths that never change and I want to share them with you.

God loves you (and me). God is good! God is faithful! God provides! God guides! God protects! God is merciful!

So you don’t believe in God? He doesn’t exist? He’s invisible so how can we be sure?

Can you see the air you’re breathing right now? It’s invisible so how can we be sure it exists? How can you be sure of what exactly it is that you’re breathing?

If you don’t believe in God, it’s ok. You can stop reading here. If you do believe in God, I have a testimony for you.

It’s a rhema word I received yesterday while basking in the shade of a plum tree, at the very top of a hill in a village called Hope. I enquired of God, “What is the new word for the new month?” I heard in my spirit, “It’s time to renew in November.”

“But renew doesn’t rhyme with November,” I said out loud as if in conversation with a real person (because for me God is a REAL persons). “Besides, renew what?” I said out loud. “Renew all things,” I heard in my spirit.

So after the #OctoberOutpourig we are moving into a November of re-NEW-al.

What does this mean to you? What do you need to re-NEW this month?

For me it means pumping re-NEW-ed energy into some projects that were relegated to the back burner.

In some cases, it means restarting with a fresh mindse to take things to a NEW level of accomplishment.

I’ve been pursuing so many goals that I included in my vision board for 2021. Many goals were achieved already but a few fell off the radar (like learning German) and others remain in progress (like my official farmer’s licence and two books in French and Spanish). It is the desire of my heart to see all these unfinished goals through to fruition before 31 December 2021.

We still have two full months left to get there! Step by step, bit by bit, yes we can!

So let me encourage you to re-NEW your mind first in order to get a NEW perspective, NEW strategies, NEW approaches, NEW pathways towards your destiny.

In the spirit of re-NEW-al, I’m re-NEW-ing my book promo! This book published in January 2021 made me a first-time author so as we draw close to the year’s end, I encourage you to get your copy from Lambert Academic Publishing available here:

Thanks for your support!

Gennike Mayers, CEO, Interpreting Your Needs.
